Friday, November 15, 2013

Using Nets!! A Call To Live In Community!!

I truly believe that the metaphor of "Using Nets" is one of the most powerful things Jesus taught us. Sure you can cast a net by yourself, But to try to pull that net back in by yourself would be a daunting task. When you live in community with your brothers and sisters in Christ it can look like a number of things.

It can look like honesty,tough love,powerful prayer ,servanthood,respect and so much more .

In the last few weeks and days I've had struggles and my friends have had struggles as well. It's important to recognize that when your battling something to not go it alone but to call on your brothers and sisters in Christ to pray. "To Cast And Reel" the net with you. If God wanted only you to be on this earth he wouldn't have created the people around you. Use the resources God has given you. "Your Net" is the community that Abba has surrounded you with !! Have a blessed day !!

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