Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Chair,An Opened Heart, And A Bible You Can't Swipe,But You Can Turn.

Tonight I didn't open an "app" I opened the "real application" the very thing that God put on peoples hearts and has been given to us. I opened the physical pages where stories of miracles, heeling's , a child that came to earth through a virgin named Mary, And so much more that our minds cant begin to grasp. There is power in the name of Jesus and He lives within us. When you feel a simple tug at your heart He is calling you He wants to have the most loveliest conversation with you. You might be facing a battle that you think you can't overcome, But if our Abba lives within in us "And Yes He Surely Does" Then you have the power to overcome every circumstance!!

Sometimes a tug at your heart could be one simple word from Abba , I find more times than not its one word, That word could be. BREAKTHROUGH... LOVE.... PEACE... REST.. STRENGTH... Whatever that word may be He's calling you to grow in it, Don't let that word slip away . 

I opened to the book of Psalms tonight and just began declaring His goodness, and cried out Lord forgive me for not putting all of my faith in you . It's so easy to put a portion of myself into what I do .. I prayed Lord "Take all of me every single part of me!!! Let me be yours , Let my hands be your hands , Let my feet be your feet, Let my mind be renewed with a fresh revelation to bring the good news about Jesus Christ!! Lord you are why we exist, We live to give you praise !!! 

This past week the enemy stole my joy. It didn't last long because I've developed a resting place that the enemy can't touch. A resting place that is set in Abba's Arms. Lately my passion to open the physical Bible has grown. There is something about turning a physical page that makes it life changing...

I would encourage you tonight or whenever you read this. Take a few minutes ,an hour, Or just get crazy and spend the day with God , He wants to talk with you . He knows the desires of your heart . He is closer than the skin our bones , Closer than the song on our tongue . Open the Bible begin to give praise to the one who Loves you, The One who gave His life for you !!! We are so blessed to be able to spread the news of a "KING WHO WILL REIGN FOREVER" Glory be to God for he is good and His mercies are new every morning !!!  

God Bless You !!!

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