Let me start off by saying thank you for visiting my blog. I will be posting exciting stories from the past ,present and things that will be happening in the coming days. The passed three years of my life leave me speechless more times than not .. So lets dive into who I am, What I am doing , And My passion for Jesus Christ and to show his Love with each person I come in contact with .
I grew up in the Church with amazing parents who taught me the love of Jesus, I accepted Jesus when I was 7 years old. I think at 7 your just excited but you really don't fully understand what it all means. I know I wanted to have a close relationship with him and I made that decision. So we fast forward to my teenage years where of course more and more distractions come into play. It was my junior prom that I took my first drink of alcohol... By no means am I saying alcohol is wrong, It was wrong for me and I didn't recognize it at the time, which is the case with most sin, Your living in the moment and everything is telling you its ok. So that night I pushed everything else aside that I believed in. This would be the beginning of what would be a cloudy 12years .
Once I took that sip my life changed I became distant from the people that really loved me , My parents my brothers and sisters . I didn't care I found love in a false thing that only satisfied the moment. I would eventually move out of my parents house after I graduated High School , I was moving farther into sin, Again my vision was so cloudy that I didn't even realize who I was hurting . I added another thing that would cloud my vision Marijuana.. I fell in love with a drug that only gave minimal gratification.. It left me high and let me forget about the world. I would party all the time show up late to work, go to work drunk and hungover .. Its beyond me how why anyone kept me employed .. After a few years of the party scene and moving in and out of my parents and opportunity came up, My Uncles put an opportunity in front me that I couldn't pass up .. I was moving to Nashville Tn to work for their steel company .. 22yrs old and moving far away from the problems that were haunting me a chance to start fresh.. So I thought.
So I packed my things and moved to Nashville Tn ... The people that I hurt were along for the ride MOM DAD BROTHER & SISTER helping me on a new journey .. Talk about humbling!! I found a place to live One bedroom apartment. The next 8yrs of my life didn't really change I was caught up in the same things and added more sin to my life . I've been put in the back of cop cars for drunk driving ,going to the strip clubs and spending my paycheck ,driving away from the strip club with a dancer and staying at their place and falling deeper and deeper into sin , Sex outside of marriage , waking up in a strangers bed a having no clue how you got there ... My life was hurting and Abba was reaching for me ..
My parents are amazing people through all my cloudiness and sin I could still feel their prayers!! It was December 30th that I got down on my knees in my bedroom and cried out to God "Lord Free me From This Mess I've Made" I also asked him to send me on a mission trip.. It was in January 2010 that the earthquake in Haiti happen .. April 2010 I found myself on a plane to Jacmel Haiti .. I was blessed by an angel that met me there (Vineal Saint Louis) I Thank God for him everyday he was 5 at the time . My life changed I would return to the states with a different outlook on life ..
Jumping ahead to what would be an epic event in my life I made the journey back to Nashville from a Red Wings game in Detroit Michigan on November 2nd 2010 .. I returned the rental car and made my way home... I went to bed , I had a prophetic dream that rocked my world!!!
I was sitting in a cold dark jail cell, couldn't even see my hand in front of my face dark... I was all alone everything that loved me was distant... I could feel evil all around me taunting me saying I wasn't good enough , that I would be stuck here forever in a tailspin of being drunk and living in sin!! Something happen that I find hard to explain .. I lifted my head , to the right of me and to the left of me I saw evil calling my name , I looked off into the distance there was light it was coming closer, I stood up evil was still talking and screaming , But their sounds became quiet, as if someone hit the mute button. I saw the face of my Jesus I was bound by chains on my arms , The light hit me on my arms and the chains fell off I WAS FREE!!!!!
I woke from this dream the next day my passion for alcohol turned into an "All In Passion For Jesus"
So I'm celebrating God's Love !! His Love never fails!!! November 3rd 2013 3yrs sober for life !!!!
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