Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rhonda Bischoff & Her Story of Hope!! (My Mom)

I'm going to rewind back to 2005 for this story.

I was living in Nashville for 2 years now. I was at work one day and received a very gut wrenching phone call .. I don't exactly remember it word for word but, I believe my Dad Called and said Chris we are taking your Mom into the hospital in the next few days "She Has Cancer" My heart dropped ... I could't even talk I started crying balling my eyes out thinking how in the world is this happening. After I gathered myself to talk I said Dad I'm on my way up after work .. We ended the conversation with a Heavy I love you and goodbye. I talked to my boss and He said go ahead and leave don't even finish your shift.

So I was driving home trying to focus with all that was going through my brain, that took so much energy out of my body. I packed a bag quick and made my way to Michigan .. I made it to somewhere in Indiana and I could't drive anymore I was overwhelmed. I Called my Mom and Dad and said I'm stopping to rest.. While I stopped to rest I told myself that it would only be for 1 hour .. It ended up being 2 ... I woke up and made my way to Grand Rapids.

When I arrived Mom was already at the hospital I couldn't believe it , I didn't want to believe it .. My Mom sitting there and not feeling well actually made me pretty angry. I walked over to the side of the bed to hold her hand ... Tears began to fall and all I could keep saying was I love you .. She replied "Just take care of your Dad" Another moment that I experienced what Love really was. Mom on the bed sick and all she could was say was "just take care of your Dad" Wow !!!

So after a few days she had her surgery and was going through the healing process, I'm not sure how many days after surgery it was but she was walking the halls.. And she wasn't just walking the halls, She was walking the halls with passion,purpose, and hope ...  Truly an inspiration to witness .. Just a few days before she was weak on the hospital bed. And Now she was walking the halls, And declaring that Jesus was her power and strength!!!

So I eventually had to make my way back to Nashville ... Mom would continue to have regular check ups.. Every Checkup since 2005 to the present has been a Praise The Lord for His Goodness Check Up !!!  My mom has been Cancer free for 8 years !!! She continues to pour her heart into the next generation just as she has always done even before cancer happen to her!! My Mom is truly an inspiration in my life, and shows me how to put all my hope in Jesus Christ !! Mom thank you for being a fighter who never gives up , Thanks for being love and always showing that to each person you come in contact with.

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