We stepped into the restaurant and I could feel God at work in my life, You see Joseph carries an amazing passion for the kingdom and helping people realize their purpose.. He is always speaking life into you, and I felt this on that day . So we prayed for our meal and discussed my passions and what I wanted to see out of the trip I was about to embark on.. An amazing God Trip!!! That was going to be full of Him!! What a glorious moment a mentor of mine speaking words of wisdom peace strength and joy over me !!
Lunch was coming to a close we walked to the parking lot he was parked at the opposite end of the parking lot as me ... We paused he said let me pray for you.. If you know Joseph you know that your about to receive the most amazing prophetic word ever !! He began to pray and slipped into what God was revealing to Him about what was going to happen in my life !!! I was in a constant sate of joy listening to the words that were coming straight from Heaven!!
He put his hand on my shoulder as any father would do, the words were thick the words were delightful!!
In Joseph Watson Words
He said Chris I see you sailing on a ship into Haiti, On this ship there would be a Large White Flag flying in the wind , You would pull into the Harbor, you would take the flag down and keep it with you.. each place that you visited or stayed you would raise that white flag, People wold come from far places they would ask you about Jesus , you would begin to tell them of the goodness of what he has done for you and what He has done for them. This wouldn't be a one time occurrence but something that happened daily .
After those words I seem to slip into the presence of Heaven and although He was still praying God was giving me visions of this glorious word .. The prayer would soon come to and end and I thanked Him for an amazing word and His prayers and support .
Fast forward to a few days into my trip in Haiti. Pastor Steve Garrett and I were sitting by the dirt road in front of the hotel in Jacmel ... a group of young teenage boys came walking up .. Pastor Steve will tell you its because i was wearing my bright blue Adidas shoes .. AKA Gospel Shoes.. but they asked about Jesus .. I was blown away the very words Joseph spoke over me were happening ..Steve and I had discussions with them and prayed with them.. Wow i was a bit speechless that this was happening , but at the same time so on fire !!! Abba had ahold of my heart and this was only the beginning of the trip ..
So all this being said I believe God puts special people in our lives. We need to recognize our blessings . Abba is so good He Loves us so much , He is constantly reaching for us. Lets start reaching back and lets start changing the atmosphere around us .. This comes first by resting in and listening to the words Abba has for you . May God continue to speak to you .. Blessings
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