Thursday, December 12, 2013

Breaking Out Of Our Comfort Zones To Experience Joy

This is short and to the point. 

 “Our comforts or income level are not too important to be sacrificed for the gospel.”  
(Dave Harvey) #RescuingAmbition

This screen saver is my reminder every time I go to work that God has placed a Joy on my heart to share with the nations. Haiti is so near and dear to my heart.. If God is placing a passion on your heart put everything you have into it. Truly thankful for the stretching God has put me through, of course it's not easy it's not meant to be easy. For me 2013 was the year of patience & hard work, I don't believe that will end we must always work hard to expand the kingdom. So as I transition into 2014 I'm carrying those tools with me but also stepping into an abundance of Joy. He is bringing me to Haiti to do just that and I'm speechless !!! God is good and here we go !!!! #hope #love #haiti 

Monday, December 9, 2013

A Powerful Prayer & An Amazing Vision From God

As one of my mentors Joseph Watson was praying a prophetic prayer over me tonight at Iris Nashville . A vision was placed in my head. 

I envisioned a "Snow Globe" I was sitting with Abba His hand was around me we were looking at the globe together. Inside the Globe was a passion Abba placed on my heart "Haiti" I know what your thinking why a snow globe and what does that have to do with Haiti. 
Well Let me tell you.

Abba said to me your still learning and there will be much more learning to come, your heart is growing stronger for the country,Your learning to deal with circumstances that come along the way .. You see when you take a snow globe and turn it upside down or shake it, change begins to take place. Where is your heart? Where is your mind? How are you pursuing God? Is He the center ? 

As I was sitting there with God He started to explain how blown away I was going to be by the goodness that will overflow in 2014. The Globe of His goodness would soon turn into lives being transformed with just one word "LOVE" and it was action that would display this word!!! 

As many of the prophetic words Joseph spoke over me have been downloaded another one stuck out to me .. It was me stepping into a toy store and I was kid, God said I don't want you to have just one thing I want you to have it all. (Insert) "God is a God of Abundance" . 

In closing I just want to say that the last 3 years of my life I have committed to asking God for a specific thing for my birthday , and the passed 3 years its all been about Haiti.. (On December 30 2013 I will be 33yrs old) This year that request is the same ... I'm declaring an atmosphere of abundance for Grace So Amazing!!! That an orphanage and kitchen will go up with ease that children will come to Jesus and be taken off the street , that healing will take place , that addictions will be broken . The Lord is already doing a mighty thing in Mirebalais Haiti , And that mighty thing will continue and will grow stronger each day !!!! Excited for all that is to come and praise God for Kellie Copenhaver Hurt and her passion and vision to be love to the community there . HERE WE GO!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Chair,An Opened Heart, And A Bible You Can't Swipe,But You Can Turn.

Tonight I didn't open an "app" I opened the "real application" the very thing that God put on peoples hearts and has been given to us. I opened the physical pages where stories of miracles, heeling's , a child that came to earth through a virgin named Mary, And so much more that our minds cant begin to grasp. There is power in the name of Jesus and He lives within us. When you feel a simple tug at your heart He is calling you He wants to have the most loveliest conversation with you. You might be facing a battle that you think you can't overcome, But if our Abba lives within in us "And Yes He Surely Does" Then you have the power to overcome every circumstance!!

Sometimes a tug at your heart could be one simple word from Abba , I find more times than not its one word, That word could be. BREAKTHROUGH... LOVE.... PEACE... REST.. STRENGTH... Whatever that word may be He's calling you to grow in it, Don't let that word slip away . 

I opened to the book of Psalms tonight and just began declaring His goodness, and cried out Lord forgive me for not putting all of my faith in you . It's so easy to put a portion of myself into what I do .. I prayed Lord "Take all of me every single part of me!!! Let me be yours , Let my hands be your hands , Let my feet be your feet, Let my mind be renewed with a fresh revelation to bring the good news about Jesus Christ!! Lord you are why we exist, We live to give you praise !!! 

This past week the enemy stole my joy. It didn't last long because I've developed a resting place that the enemy can't touch. A resting place that is set in Abba's Arms. Lately my passion to open the physical Bible has grown. There is something about turning a physical page that makes it life changing...

I would encourage you tonight or whenever you read this. Take a few minutes ,an hour, Or just get crazy and spend the day with God , He wants to talk with you . He knows the desires of your heart . He is closer than the skin our bones , Closer than the song on our tongue . Open the Bible begin to give praise to the one who Loves you, The One who gave His life for you !!! We are so blessed to be able to spread the news of a "KING WHO WILL REIGN FOREVER" Glory be to God for he is good and His mercies are new every morning !!!  

God Bless You !!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

New Things !!!!

Absolutely stoked that I get to share this with you. My passion for Haiti is pretty much uncontainable. On my recent trip I was able to visit many different places, And each place I went my passion grew stronger and stronger for what I call my family. If you know me & you've seen my face when I talk about Haiti I either get chocked up or I'm filled with joy , And sometimes its both at the same time. This Place, The People ,And God working through them changed my life. It's safe to say Haiti & Myself have a lifetime relationship!!

I would ask you while you watch the video that you let the Holy Spirit speak to you. Watch it when you have Just under 5 minutes of absolutely quiet time .. Gather the family, watch it by yourself , with a friend. But let it really speak to you. A few questions to maybe think about while watching the video. How can I make an impact where I live? How can I help Haiti? How can I help Grace So Amazing Ministries? God lives in you, And if you haven't made that commitment and your watching this I would challenge you to step into the goodness that God has for you. So once again thanks to My Family, Friends, Grace So Amazing Ministries, And Phil Wickham's Team for being able to use this song on my video!! Seriously folks go buy his music it will change your life !!! Thanks And God Bless.

The length of the video is (4:42) And the Holy Spirit directed me to this verse. 

They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” (John 4:42)    

Link To The Video

Friday, November 15, 2013

Using Nets!! A Call To Live In Community!!

I truly believe that the metaphor of "Using Nets" is one of the most powerful things Jesus taught us. Sure you can cast a net by yourself, But to try to pull that net back in by yourself would be a daunting task. When you live in community with your brothers and sisters in Christ it can look like a number of things.

It can look like honesty,tough love,powerful prayer ,servanthood,respect and so much more .

In the last few weeks and days I've had struggles and my friends have had struggles as well. It's important to recognize that when your battling something to not go it alone but to call on your brothers and sisters in Christ to pray. "To Cast And Reel" the net with you. If God wanted only you to be on this earth he wouldn't have created the people around you. Use the resources God has given you. "Your Net" is the community that Abba has surrounded you with !! Have a blessed day !!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's Time For Rest

I had the great opportunity of visiting my Brother & His Family tonight, As busy as my brother is it seems as though when he comes home the kids want to play with their Dad, They want Dad to hold them, tell them a story, and just flat out love them. The Home is a place that should be your place of rest a place where you sit down with your family and just love.

You see we all are facing junk, and the things of this world continue  to try to bring us down. The world tells you there's not enough time to rest . The Bible says "Come to me all you who are weary and you will find rest". I believe the enemy is attacking our health , He is attacking our thinking ,He is attacking our relationships. And much much more . We have to learn to enter a place of Rest , You say "Well if I'm just resting its easier for the enemy to attack". That statement couldn't be further from the truth.When you enter the rest and the peace of your Heavenly father His loving arms are wrapped around you and there is absolutely nothing that can't take you from His arms . 

As I was leaving my brothers house the Holy Spirit called me to pray for protection,good health, rest ,and abundance. When the Holy Spirit Speaks ... Its important to act!! Prayer is powerful and the words you speak put "Action into the Atmosphere"!!! Rest & Prayer are 2 key weapons in battling the enemy.

I stepped outside it was peaceful I looked up into the sky, Abba left me speechless yet again ... Stars on top of stars , He continues to blow my mind daily.. When you physically & mentally just stop and think that The God who created all things will protect you and keep you from harm,And you just look at what He has created it will put you in a state of Peaceful Rest. It will also give you inner joy that sooner or later you wont be able to contain .. I believe  He works in just that way , Our bodies require Rest, Resting might be the hardest thing for you to do. But I want to encourage you to go to your Pappa in prayer and ask him to wash over you with a rest that you have never experienced before . He is waiting, Ask Him , Step into Rest. Take five minutes Completely Stop what your doing & listen to this song By Jonathan David Helser Called "Abba" .. I pray your soul finds complete rest, God Bless You !!

Mission Update/ Prayer & Financial Support

As many of you know I've taken on a full time missions position with Grace So Amazing Ministries where I will be serving in Mirebalais, Haiti.

Originally when I left for Haiti in October I was going to be stationed at GSA’s team guesthouse which also serves as their base of operations during the construction of the new orphanage, school and clinic. Due to unforeseen changes in the community and the location of the guesthouse, it was necessary for the ministry to find a new home base. Thankfully God has provided a new location, however the finish construction still isn’t quite complete. As a result this has changed my plans for when I will begin my journey on the ground in Haiti. Right now everyone involved is looking for mid-December as the target move in date to our new home!

I did have the opportunity to spend 10 days in October on mission, meeting the community I will be serving, and was also able to see firsthand the work the LORD has begun to establish through the ministry.  Connecting with many people in the community and seeing the beginning stages of the orphanage construction helps me to catch the vision and become even more passionate and dedicated to serve the least of these.

In answering the call to ministry, earthly security and possessions such as my job and car are being stripped away, and being replaced with the irreplaceable peace, joy and anticipation that coincides with trusting Abba to meet all my needs according to His glorious riches found in Christ Jesus.  It is necessary for me to cover my living expenses while I’m in Haiti. When you pour into me your also pouring into the community where I'm working.Through discipleship, building and repairing homes,feeding children &families.  Would you consider becoming a monthly donor to help support me?  Help support me financially through "Grace So Amazing" by clicking the link below and donating. (On the line that reads "purpose" write (Donation for Chris Bischoff). Thank you for your prayers and support on what will be an amazing journey filled with life changing moments .. Blessings Chris Bischoff  

                                                                         Grace So Amazing Ministries Contact Information
                                                                          449 Metroplex Drive, Nashville, TN 37211    
                                                                          (615) 261 -3151 OFFICE              
                                                                           (615) 618 - 5799 MOBILE              
                                                                           In Haiti: (001 509) 3685 - 8481              

Sunday, November 10, 2013

To Journal or Not To Journal

I would encourage you that even if you don't like  to journal that you write down your thoughts. I find myself often going through my notes and journal entries . I was doing just that today. While going through a few journal entries today,I wanted to share a few with you , Praying that they will inspire. Give you rest , And so much more God Bless You !!

While driving to get lunch today in Cool Springs , I couldn't help by notice the clouds ... I looked at the hills and thought without the clouds in the background the hills wouldn't have stood out as much.. Clouds create an atmosphere of wonder they also give shape to things that sometimes get overlooked ... This is also true in our walk with Abba.. If we are able to play the background and let God create our atmosphere He becomes the "God of Wonders" and we begin to see his marvelous works before our very eyes .. Take time to step back rest and watch God create an amazing atmosphere that will bless your socks off!!! He loves us and He breathes life into all our situations !! 

It's important to recognize the "pockets in life" God puts you in!! Because its in those pockets He is using you to witness for the kingdom, and to make His name Known!!! 

Process brings you into Promotion,Promotion brings Multiplication,Multiplication brings you to Legacy,And Legacies write history & posture the next generation for success. 
~Kim Bischoff~

“The most important choice you make every day is your attitude. Your internal attitudes are far more important than your external circumstances. Joy is mind over matter.” 

“Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything. Unless in the first waking moment of the day you learn to fling the door wide back and let God in, you will work on a wrong level all day; but swing the door wide open and pray to your Father in secret, and every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God.”   ~Oswald Chambers~

His is goodness is all around us take a few moments to recognize it , and praise Him for it!! Blessings   

Thursday, November 7, 2013

He Speaks, I Listen

November 7th 2013

Traveling up 65 north today God prompted me to pray for healing. I have friends & family battling sickness. As I was praying I felt the power of the Holy Spirit wash over me, A simple nudge a simple reminder from God to just open my mouth & begin to speak healing, To speak life,To give Him praise for what has done and what He is going to do.

We were riding through Louisville Kentucky so many hospitals. The Holy Spirits presence was heavier I started to pray for families that were battling medical bills and facing a "no way out situation", That God would break that thinking,And I declared freedom over them!!

I then started to pray that freedom would reign in the hospitals & streets, That revival would breakout! That God would be lifted high! That our selfish desires would fall & we would give all that we are & all that we have to our Abba.

Next I prayed for those battling addiction in all forms that there would be an awakening!! That the devil would be crushed by the heal of the Holy Spirit! That the sword of the spirit would pierce the darkness! That needles would be dropped! That cocaine would be wiped from tables! That full bottles would be dumped! That marijuana would be thrown away! That sinful &sexual desires be cleared out of people's minds! Lord anything that blocks our vision from you, To serve & show love to the least of these may it be cleared from our thinking! CLEAR THE MECHANISM !! And replace it with GLORY!!

Lord continue to use me as a vessel to show your love. To God Be The Glory !!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rhonda Bischoff & Her Story of Hope!! (My Mom)

I'm going to rewind back to 2005 for this story.

I was living in Nashville for 2 years now. I was at work one day and received a very gut wrenching phone call .. I don't exactly remember it word for word but, I believe my Dad Called and said Chris we are taking your Mom into the hospital in the next few days "She Has Cancer" My heart dropped ... I could't even talk I started crying balling my eyes out thinking how in the world is this happening. After I gathered myself to talk I said Dad I'm on my way up after work .. We ended the conversation with a Heavy I love you and goodbye. I talked to my boss and He said go ahead and leave don't even finish your shift.

So I was driving home trying to focus with all that was going through my brain, that took so much energy out of my body. I packed a bag quick and made my way to Michigan .. I made it to somewhere in Indiana and I could't drive anymore I was overwhelmed. I Called my Mom and Dad and said I'm stopping to rest.. While I stopped to rest I told myself that it would only be for 1 hour .. It ended up being 2 ... I woke up and made my way to Grand Rapids.

When I arrived Mom was already at the hospital I couldn't believe it , I didn't want to believe it .. My Mom sitting there and not feeling well actually made me pretty angry. I walked over to the side of the bed to hold her hand ... Tears began to fall and all I could keep saying was I love you .. She replied "Just take care of your Dad" Another moment that I experienced what Love really was. Mom on the bed sick and all she could was say was "just take care of your Dad" Wow !!!

So after a few days she had her surgery and was going through the healing process, I'm not sure how many days after surgery it was but she was walking the halls.. And she wasn't just walking the halls, She was walking the halls with passion,purpose, and hope ...  Truly an inspiration to witness .. Just a few days before she was weak on the hospital bed. And Now she was walking the halls, And declaring that Jesus was her power and strength!!!

So I eventually had to make my way back to Nashville ... Mom would continue to have regular check ups.. Every Checkup since 2005 to the present has been a Praise The Lord for His Goodness Check Up !!!  My mom has been Cancer free for 8 years !!! She continues to pour her heart into the next generation just as she has always done even before cancer happen to her!! My Mom is truly an inspiration in my life, and shows me how to put all my hope in Jesus Christ !! Mom thank you for being a fighter who never gives up , Thanks for being love and always showing that to each person you come in contact with.

Prophetic Words From Joseph Watson

God has blessed me with a brother and mentor in my life .. His Name Joseph Watson!! I was preparing for my summer trip to Haiti in May 2012, Joseph Watson happened to be in Nashville amongst his busy ywam schedule. I had known the man for awhile but we never had lunch or deep conversation together.. So it was a few days before I was making my journey to Haiti, We both made time in our busy schedules to have lunch together at an amazing ethnic food place in Brentwood Tennessee. 
We stepped into the restaurant and I could feel God at work in my life, You see Joseph carries an amazing passion for the kingdom and helping people realize their purpose.. He is always speaking life into you, and I felt this on that day . So we prayed for our meal and discussed my passions and what I wanted to see out of the trip I was about to embark on.. An amazing God Trip!!! That was going to be full of Him!! What a glorious moment a mentor of mine speaking words of wisdom peace strength and joy over me !! 

Lunch was coming to a close we walked to the parking lot he was parked at the opposite end of the parking lot as me ... We paused he said let me pray for you.. If you know Joseph you know that your about to receive the most amazing prophetic word ever !! He began to pray and slipped into what God was revealing to Him about what was going to happen in my life !!! I was in a constant sate of joy listening to the words that were coming straight from Heaven!! 

He put his hand on my shoulder as any father would do, the words were thick the words were delightful!! 

In Joseph Watson Words 

He said Chris I see you sailing on a ship into Haiti, On this ship there would be a Large White Flag flying in the wind , You would pull into the Harbor, you would take the flag down and keep it with you.. each place that you visited or stayed you would raise that white flag, People wold come from far places they would ask you about Jesus , you would begin to tell them of the goodness of what he has done for you and what He has done for them. This wouldn't be a one time occurrence but something that happened daily . 

After those words I seem to slip into the presence of Heaven and although He was still praying God was giving me visions of this glorious word .. The prayer would soon come to and end and I thanked Him for an amazing word and His prayers and support .

Fast forward to a few days into my trip in Haiti. Pastor Steve Garrett and I were sitting by the dirt road in front of the hotel in Jacmel ... a group of young teenage boys came walking up .. Pastor Steve will tell you its because i was wearing my bright blue Adidas shoes .. AKA Gospel Shoes.. but they asked about Jesus .. I was blown away the very words Joseph spoke over me were happening ..Steve and I had discussions with them and prayed with them.. Wow i was a bit speechless that this was happening , but at the same time so on fire !!! Abba had ahold of my heart and this was only the beginning of the trip .. 

So all this being said I believe God puts special people in our lives. We need to recognize our blessings . Abba is so good He Loves us so much , He is constantly reaching for us. Lets start reaching back and lets start changing the atmosphere around us .. This comes first by resting in and listening to the words Abba has for you .  May God continue to speak to you .. Blessings

Artwork Done By Will Campbell @ Prophetic Ink Tattoo 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Haiti & Vineal Saint Louis!!

I met Vineal Saint Louis in April 2010, This young boy was 5 years old and instantly was connected to me. At the time I was just trying to grasp the destruction I was seeing .. So much damage in a world that was already broken.. Why was I here,what was I going to do to change the atmosphere or make an impact to help such a crisis.

I was traveling with the organization called Restore Haiti. They bring hope to a community through a feeding program ,Sending kids to school , And paying for their medical needs as well.This is all through sponsorships from people like you and I. Such an awesome thing to witness.

So we were going through the week with projects and other task that needed to be accomplished while we were there. Throughout the week they would have the feeding program and if there was a team there they would help serve the kids a hot meal. I noticed that the Vineal the young boy that was clinging to me was there but he wasn't eating.. I asked if he was sponsored, they replied no. It was in that moment that I began to know what love really meant. I said lets get him a hot meal I'm ready to help this boy (Vineal).

He grabbed a seat at the table, This is where my heart started to fall apart in the most beautiful way. He looked back at me with eyes that simply said thanks. This absolutely changed my outlook on life. I'm hear on this earth to serve and to love. He was the sweet little angel that changed my life.

It was on my third trip that I was able to see him receive awards for his accomplishments in school.. He was doing very well, It made my heart really happy!!

In the summer of 2012 I would be staying for 72 days. God laid it on my heart to stay the summer in Jacmel, to develop  strong relationships and just pour everything I had into a community that changed my life, Through the power of Jesus Christ. I was able to spend a lot of time with Vineal and get to know his Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother & Cousin. Such an amazing summer that will be forever cherished.. It was coming closer to the end of my trip, The day before I had to head back to the states. I was sitting at their house .. And in the very little creole that I knew I invited the family to come to dinner .. I wanted to sit and fellowship over dinner  with the family that changed my life !! Such a Glorious Moment!!!  They all rushed inside the house  with smiles on their face .. They were getting dressed up for this special occasion. Tears began to fall on my face, and I  was in a complete state of thankfulness . We walked to the house DAD ,MOM ,SISTER, LITTLE BROTHER,VINEAL & I . It was a joyous occasion!!! After the meal was over Mom & Dad couldn't stop thanking me and Dad started to tear up when he gave me a hug goodbye. Love them so much !!

Throughout the past three years I always make it priority if I'm going to Jacmel to take a few moments to go visit with Vineal and his family. The part that wrecks me the most is there is always a chair waiting for me on the front porch, As if to say "thank you Chris" , But all the while I'm thanking Jesus for the most amazing opportunity. Abba introduced me to an angel and I am forever blessed .  A relationship that will last a life time !!! Vineal Saint Louis Is my Angel !!!!

All In !!

Let me start off by saying thank you for visiting my blog. I will be posting exciting stories from the past ,present and things that will be happening in the coming days. The passed three years of my life leave me speechless more times than not .. So lets dive into who I am, What I am doing , And My passion for Jesus Christ and to show his Love with each person I come in contact with .

I grew up in the Church with amazing parents who taught me the love of Jesus, I accepted Jesus when I was 7 years old. I think at 7 your just excited but you really don't fully understand what it all means. I know I wanted to have a close relationship with him and I made that decision. So we fast forward to my teenage years where of course more and more distractions come into play. It was my junior prom that I took my first drink of alcohol... By no means am I saying alcohol is wrong, It was wrong for me and I didn't recognize it at the time, which is the case with most sin, Your living in the moment  and everything is telling you its ok. So that night I pushed everything else aside that I believed in. This would be the beginning of what would be a cloudy 12years .

Once I took that sip my life changed I became distant from the people that really loved me , My parents my brothers and sisters . I didn't care I found love in a false thing that only satisfied the moment. I would eventually move out of my parents house after I graduated High School , I was moving farther into sin, Again my vision was so cloudy that I didn't even realize who I was hurting . I added another thing that would cloud my vision Marijuana.. I fell in love with a drug that only gave minimal gratification.. It left me high and let me forget about the world. I would party all the time show up late to work, go to work drunk and hungover .. Its beyond me how why anyone kept me employed .. After a few years of the party scene and moving in and out of my parents and opportunity came up, My Uncles put an opportunity in front me that I couldn't pass up .. I was moving to Nashville Tn to work for their steel company .. 22yrs old  and moving far away from the problems that were haunting me a chance to start fresh.. So I thought.

So I packed my things and  moved to Nashville Tn ... The people that I hurt were along for the ride MOM DAD BROTHER & SISTER helping me on a new journey .. Talk about humbling!! I found a place to live One bedroom apartment. The next 8yrs of my life didn't really change I was caught up in the same things and added more sin to my life . I've been put in the back of cop cars for drunk driving ,going to the strip clubs and spending my paycheck ,driving away from the strip club with a dancer and staying at their place and falling deeper and deeper into sin , Sex outside of marriage , waking up in a strangers bed a having no clue how you got there ... My life was hurting and Abba was reaching for me ..

My parents are amazing people through all my cloudiness and sin I could still feel their prayers!! It was December 30th that I got down on my knees in my bedroom and cried out to God "Lord Free me From This Mess I've Made" I also asked him to send me on a mission trip.. It was in January 2010 that the earthquake in Haiti happen .. April 2010 I found myself on a plane to Jacmel Haiti .. I was blessed by an angel that met me there (Vineal Saint Louis) I Thank God for him everyday he was 5 at the time . My life changed I would return to the states with a different outlook on life ..

Jumping ahead to what would be an epic event in my life I made the journey back to Nashville  from a Red Wings game in Detroit Michigan on November 2nd 2010 .. I returned the rental car and made my way home... I went to bed , I had a prophetic dream that rocked my world!!!

I was sitting in a cold dark jail cell, couldn't even see my hand in front of my face dark... I was all alone everything that loved me was distant... I could feel evil all around me taunting me saying I wasn't good enough , that I would be stuck here forever in a tailspin of being drunk and living in sin!! Something happen that I find hard to explain .. I lifted my head , to the right of me and to the left of me I saw evil calling my name , I looked off into the distance there was light it was coming closer, I stood up evil was still talking and screaming , But their sounds became quiet, as if someone hit the mute button. I saw the face of my Jesus I was bound by chains on my arms , The light hit me on my arms and the chains fell off I WAS FREE!!!!!

I woke from this dream the next day my passion for alcohol turned into an "All In Passion For Jesus"

So I'm celebrating God's Love !! His Love never fails!!! November 3rd 2013 3yrs sober for life !!!!