Monday, July 28, 2014

Grace Faith & Giving with a joyful heart.

August 11th ... This day has a great significance to me. God calls us to be people that restore .. He absolutely restored my life. 4 years ago a lot happen I took my first trip to Haiti I quit drinking he took away a selfish desire and replaced it with a life full of purpose  he  pushed me into a destiny that has absolutely blown my mind. So back to August 11th on this day I woke up early at the hotel in Jacmel and waived goodbye to a city and a people that hold a special place in my heart. Restore Haiti & the people of the community taught me how to love & show Jesus in the summer of 2012 as I spent the summer there. August 11th wasn't a day of sadness it was a day of rejoicing knowing full well that God would continue to bring me back to family. 

A lot has happen since that day I took a few more trips there.. Then God had me enter a season of work and pressing into him more.. It was 2 years of late nights crying out to God asking where do you want me God where am I supposed to be ... Most nights it was him saying rest easy my son your right where you need to be. In my arms so you might grow for what your about to enter into ... 

Let me fast forward a bit in that season It was exactly August 11th but it was really close. August 14 I received a phone call that was Haiti related I was at work .. Breakthrough took place on that day . 2 days later I had coffee with Kellie Hurt founder of Grace So Amazing Ministries . It was a meeting full of joy, God reassuring me of where I was supposed to be ... Where my heart was "Haiti" 2 months after our meeting I took my first trip with Grace So Amazing ... Met the folks in Mirebalais and my heart rejoiced !!! Before I would leave for this trip Dwayne Jackson showed me how to love in the city that I lived in Nashville Tn , he came up to Nashville and ran a week long basketball camp for some kids from Sophia's Heart & Salvation Army .. My heart that week changed .. I need to be Jesus wherever I go not just Haiti !!! 

Fast forward to December I left Nashville to be in Haiti for 3.5 months .. In all the preparation I'm so glad that I listened to God.. He had my heart ready for most things .. Other things he taught me along the way. 

This summer I've traveled to a few places one of which was Israel ... I really don't have many words but so glad again that I heard him whisper come on an and adventure with me ... What an experience to walk where he walked !!! I get chills just thinking about sitting out on the sea of Galilee. 

I returned back to Nashville not knowing how or where support was going to come from.. If there was one thing I learned tithing & giving is a must .. Giving financially yes .. But giving relationship wise as well ... Are your friends and family going through junk .. Be there for them .. Not with words but with actions ... Sure we all slip I'm guilty of this , but God gives us grace and it's never ending / we should do the same . So back to the tithing & giving I want this to be an encouragement that when you look at that paycheck and you say how am I going to pay all the bills that you change the way you think, take out what is already His and sow it into the kingdom ... Our Heavenly Father deserves so much more but when we honor him with our money our atmosphere is completely changed !!!! 

Philip Peters asked me if I wanted to drive for the Capital Kings this summer .. I wasn't sure when I was going back to Haiti .. I prayed about this big time .. God I'm not sure when I'm going back to Haiti but you do, thank you for blessing me with financial support. 

What an awesome summer with the guys it was truly a blessing driving these guys around and talking music sports and life !! I have one more gig with them , and I really can't thank them enough for the opportunity !! Such a blessing .. 

In that time I received a call to drive for another band which I drove for one other time in the last . Sometimes blessings come in buckets and this summer has been a summer of "Buckets of Blessings" so thanks to Brandon Heath & Harold Rubens for the opportunity to drive !! 

August 11th the day I left Haiti 2 years ago and the day I will return this year .. On August 11th 2014 I'm going back , I'm going back to be love & to be love to the fullest !!! God has completely wrecked my heart for this country and the people there !!! 

So in closing I would encourage you that if your struggling with living a selfish life in all aspects.. Spend sometime with God and ask him to release those chains ... It's a process that will be tough but through the process comes great reward !!! A life with Jesus Christ!!! Be Jesus wherever you go!!! Blessings        

Friday, April 4, 2014

Listen For His Voice // Dig Deep // Apply Action // Go Low

The last few months have been an amazing time in my life!!! My Faith has strengthened and all I know is to put everything I have into my Jesus Christ. God has called me to Haiti and what an adventure it has been. Lots going on with Grace So Amazing Ministries people in the community giving their lives to Christ which if anything else is the most important part its why I do what I do. Carry the love of Jesus to make it contagious, Love how Jesus loves and watch How it changes the atmosphere.

As I was on the plane back to the states God whispered to me Israel, I was sleeping so it was in a dream I quickly woke up. I started to read through scripture go through my journal and dig deeper, When He whispers He is calling you to dig to build character to seek His face more. I went through some journal notes Israel was a place that I constantly pray for that I one day wanted to visit. I spent time praying in the airport asking God I know you whispered, I heard it loud and clear Why/When/ How is this going to happen. Of course that answer doesn't come as quickly as you want it to .... "dig deeper Chris keep going lower" He said. Later that night after getting off the plane in Nashville, I started seeing His face it was through friends picking me up at the airport ,  truck being provided while I was staying in Nashville , and unexpected letters & gifts. It was through acts of kindness that I was starting to see the Why When & How being answered .

He simply said Chris I have broken chains in your life and since that day you have become a leader a voice for My Kingdom, It might be through writing , through a simple word , Hugging the children in the community of Mirebalais, Discipleship to your brothers, On the Basketball court. I'm going to use you, and use to the fullest. When I whispered Israel it was because I want to fill you up even more with my goodness before you return to Haiti. Take my hand Chris The next adventure begins now. That night was pretty difficult for me to go to sleep, that stuff energizes me. Papa speaking words of life into me and saying lets go !!!

So I had coffee with My sister Kim the next day who has been to Israel multiple times. I simply said Kim I'm going to Israel with you, She is leading a team in May. When God says go its important to listen to the WHY WHEN HOW, I really would like to give a shout out to my Mom Rhonda Bischoff who keeps me grounded and really ask some hard questions, It's really important to have community that keeps you "SPIRITUALLY AWAKE". So May 16th-29th I will Grab my Heavenly Father's Hand and take a journey to the streets He walked on, I get chills at the very thought of it. Please pray that God would continue to fall fresh on me, He has called us to do great things and my heart is open to His Goodness. I would like to point out that Haiti is my number one passion , I really don't want to confuse people. I'm a Grace So Amazing Employee that is where my heart is and will always be. God whispered and I'm answering that call with action. I will return to Haiti in June Full of His Presence ready to pour out to the people who have captured my heart. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I really can't explain how much that really means to know that I'm being backed by and army .. "Gods Army" That continues to give me rest, strength,peace,joy and so much more. I will be joining my sister Kim on what will be an amazing 2 weeks in the Holy Land.

If you feel led to give a charitable donation Checks can be made out to "Iris Nashville" if you would like to give another way  please send me an email " 'My sister and I will be co-fundraising so excited for this.  Blessings and thank you so much for your prayers and support

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Freedom Will Reign // Entering A Fast For Freedom

As I sat and watched "12 Years A Slave" last night after I got off the plane from Haiti my heart was torn. Slavery on every level is wrong and we know we serve a God who is just and will bring justice and will bring good to those who suffer. I literally cried through the whole movie, to see the way human beings Gods Creation were and still are  treated wrecks my soul. This junk still exists and we need to bring a stop to it. It would be hard for me to fathom how much forgiveness would need to be offered up for such awful situations but I know this,When we step out and ask for it healing begins to take place. I'm going to be so bold as to say if your family was ever involved in such a situation that as a family you come before God and ask for forgiveness. I usually don't come out strong, but the chains on my arms that are broken represent so much more than what I went through as a slave to alcohol. God has called me to rise up, to be bold , to be David in the Bible to stand up against giants of all kind. As I've just returned from Haiti for me to think that this stuff doesn't exist would be selfish thinking and God has freed me of selfish thinking into a life of selfless thinking. I'm going to enter a fast to pray that God will bring justice that millions will be free that healing will begin to take place not only over this nation but upon this globe. If you would like to join me in this fast you are more than welcome to do so. Daily I will be starting my day repeating this prayer. And ending my day with it as well as everything in between. 

"Lord I ask you to come as a cool breeze upon this earth as your sons and daughters are bound by chains I would ask you to come with healing , fulfillment of your spirit, I would ask that you come and if their thirsty provide them water straight from Heaven Restore Life Lord!! Lord I pray that forgiveness will wash over the earth!! And your presence will be made known!! You are good Lord !! Bring justice !! In your precious name Jesus. Amen.

As part of my fast I will be listening to certain worship albums and reading books to constantly press into this topic. 

Water , and very light meals in the process asking The Lord to fill me with His energy !! Thanks for reading and may this change the atmosphere!!! And bring freedom to millions!!! Have your way Lord!! Blessings 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Haiti // God Called Me To A Nation// The Roots Are Deep

Tonight listening to some worship music on the headphones & thanking God for how He has blessed me to bless others. What an amazing 3 months this has been down here in Haiti with Grace So Amazing Ministries. I remember many nights in Nashville up late praying Lord where do you want me ? What do I need to give up to make this happen? Lord let me put my entire life into your hands. Many of you know that my history was filled with junk, Well that's exactly what it is "History" its gone its been wiped clean and I've entered a new life. A life that's filled with joy,prayer,worship,love and so much more. I've seen the sick healed I've seen people turn their lives over to Christ. Everyday is a blessing and each person we come in contact with we are called to love & show the love of Jesus.

There are many stories I have from my stay but there are a couple of stories that stick out to me more.The March Visiting Orphans team, came with one purpose and that was to show the love of Jesus and pray and worship, we did this each day going from house to house. On this particular day The Holy Spirit was heavy.

The First place was a woman who said after the worship songs , and when we asked how we could pray she said this " I want to quit smoking!! . I had my eyes closed God jolted me i looked at the broken chains on my arms and instantly said "I will pray for you"!! Your testimony is a great opportunity to pray for those going through what you have been through . I put my hands on her head and began to pray for freedom that God would break the chains of addiction!!! Let me tell you my hand was hot and I felt a fire in my soul , God was close & and oh what an amazing feeling it was . Folks are crying out to know Jesus and break free from the junk in there life, this is happening all over the world I remember leaving that place saying Lord even as we leave keep a fresh fire upon this place where your precious daughter Adelaide has cried out for you to break addiction in her life . replace it with all of you Lord !!

As we made our way to the next house the presence of the holy spirit was fresh. We arrived at the house. Papa was in the Garden working, As we started to sing He made His way over and when we finished singing He said "I could feel something stirring in my soul, I want to accept Jesus Christ"!! The children were there along with mom , Mishcad soon arrived and we all entered their house they sat together as a family and we prayed over them. Just before all of this happen I remember a cool breeze blowing in front of the house, Holy Spirit went before us and declared goodness in that place. What a beautiful picture this day was, I always talk about changing the atmosphere, How & where you carry the atmosphere of Jesus will surely change the atmosphere where you place your feet.

As I sit here in my room tonight i can feel Him all around , words of encouragement are downloading in my brain and my heart. Papa loves us so much, Each word He gives me whether through song or a verse in the Bible I make sure I apply that to my day & night. Listen to the words He is saying and share them with community. I think Lord what a journey what a path what a story your writing and thank Him for the opportunity to be a disciple for the kingdom of heaven and to bring sons & daughters to Jesus.

Lord my prayer is that I will continue to be a laid down lover of the cross and that I will drip of your goodness, may the aroma of your presence change the atmosphere wherever I put my feet, and may addictions be broken, may the practice of voodoo be broken , may the blind see may the sick be healed may families be reunited, may children be saved and brought to you and into your loving arms. Lord Thank you for your goodness, And continue to go before me . Hallelujah  God for all that your doing , May I continue to Press In And Press On and Love unconditionally.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Faith That Changes The Atmosphere!!!!

Last night I sat down at the table I was tired but God was calling me to dive into the word. I sat I prayed I asked God where was he directing me to what scriptures was he calling me to look at what topic was he calling me to search.... I paused and waited in silence , and its as if the flood gates opened up. He pulled me close to the topic of (Faith) and scriptures that discuss it. I couldn't stop flipping from one to the other. He was speaking loud and clear, Faith is a topic that is talked about both in the Old Testament & New Testament, But the Holy Spirit took my hands and started to flip through the New Testament. I was blown away how God gave me a word in this case (FAITH) and it started to jump off the pages of the Bible.  Here are a few scriptures dealing with Faith so that you can read through them .

A Few Scriptures Dealing with Faith /Also a link to website that has scriptures that discuss Faith.

Hebrews 11:1-40 
Romans 1:16-17
Romans 5:1-5
Romans 3:21-26
Romans 10:1-13
James 2:14-26 
Galatians 3:1-9

Biblical Definition
 Faith is the assurance that God’s promises will never fail, even if sometimes we do not experience their fulfillment in our mortal existence. Hebrews 11 underscores the fact that we trust God to fulfill his promises for the future (the unseen) based on what he has already fulfilled in the past. Thus, our faith is not blind, but based squarely on God’s proven faithfulness. (From The CRI

Wikipedia Definition
Faith is confidence or trust in a person (as in their ability), thing, deity, in the doctrines or teachings of a religion, or view (e.g. having strong political faith) even withoutempirical evidence. It can also be belief that is not based on proof,[1] or as confidence based upon varying degrees of evidential warrant. The word faith is often used as a conceptual synonym for hope,[2] trust,[3] belief[4] or knowledge.[5] (Wikipedia Definition) 

After reading through scriptures and only really scratching the surface of what God reveals to us about Faith in the Bible. He gave me a few words that were what we call Divine Downloads from Heaven. Here are a few I would like to share.

*When you see difficult, look at from the perspective of God is shaping and molding me into something beautiful,Step into FAITH with a PASSION that changes the atmosphere, Live your life like a warrior that sees the battle ahead and runs straight for it knowing that your God will get you through it !!! Breakthrough!!!! We are more than conquerors!!!!

Another word I had written in my Journal was a word of worship which on a certain level our worship dictates where our faith is. It said this

*Worship is forgetting about what's wrong with you  and remembering what's right with God . It's like hitting the refresh button on your computer. It restores the joy of your salvation,It re calibrates your spirit, It renews your mind. And it enables you to find something good to praise God about even when everything seems to be going wrong.

So in ending I hope that when you read this you will dive into the scriptures given, that your faith will strengthen, That your light will brighten that the chains that have had you bound will be broken and that a fresh cool wind will wash over you , And when it washes over you Pappa will give you a clear word and that it will be the sweetest of words. My soul purpose for sharing this is my passion for Jesus Christ and that others may come closer to Him not through what I've written but through the scriptures and His Word.

Bethel Music has a song off their (Tides Album) called "Be Still" this is exactly what I experienced last night. My Heavenly Father calmed my soul, My soul listened , And my soul was refreshed. Many Blessings to you and may Jesus refresh your soul, And may He give you "Faith That Changes The Atmosphere"!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Your Testimony & Boldness

Well tonight was yet another amazing Bible Study!!! I spoke on sharing your testimony and how important that is in your walk with Jesus. Towards the end God was asking me to call on one of the guys to pray... I opened it up for one of them to pray, No takers ... I paused I explained another gift from God is prayer , I said just close your eyes and imagine that it's a conversation between you and God, "We Aren't Here" .. I said be bold !!! No more than 2 seconds after I said that,The man jumps up from His seat and begins praying for how thankful he is for the day for the people that were at Bible Study , And specifically prayed for each of us !!! What a joy to witness this !!!

Early they asked me how many angels there are in Heaven , I answered more than you can imagine. I said because of your boldness tonight they and all of heaven are rejoicing!!! There was a fire in his eyes that is really hard to explain He was filled with Joy it was if The Holy Spirit came straight down from Heaven and gave him Boldness in his walk. They come to this Bible Study, and they said tonight they are hungry for more they want more Jesus in their life. I can't really put into words how much I'm thankful for the path that God has put me on, to see a fire in just a few people means so much!!

I think it's important to mention that they are giving me a fire that I've never experienced as well. I won't ever claim to know everything about the Bible they are teaching me just as much. My passion to see these men know Jesus more is indescribable. As we walk together each week studying scripture it's my prayer that they would continue to grow closer to God and be a witness to the community as well .

We gather together in a church without walls looking at God's beautiful creation I really can't think of a better way to have a Bible Study, It's truly a blessing. May the Lord continue to bless those that are attending and may the blessings overflow to those looking on from a distance as well, Lord may our Hunger for you be so attractive that it causes a spark that starts a fire that can't be put out!!!! To God Be The Glory For the Great things he has done ,doing, and going to do !!!


(The importance of turning off your schedule and joining somebody else in theirs.)

Last night I had the great opportunity of just turning my phone off and my computer God was calling me to sit and watch the kids play soccer in front of the house. 2 became 4 and 4 became a crowd. What a joy just to laugh and show love to these kids and teens. So back to my title of this post. (The importance of turning off your schedule and joining somebody in theirs). When we do this not only are we clearing our mind of self but we are essentially letting this person know that we value them, and we love them. Everyone has time to at least spend 15 minutes in somebody else's schedule . So today my challenge to you is this. Ask yourself in what way can I value Someone's schedule. Show Love Be Love, Be Jesus. Blessings