Last night I sat down at the table I was tired but God was calling me to dive into the word. I sat I prayed I asked God where was he directing me to what scriptures was he calling me to look at what topic was he calling me to search.... I paused and waited in silence , and its as if the flood gates opened up. He pulled me close to the topic of (Faith) and scriptures that discuss it. I couldn't stop flipping from one to the other. He was speaking loud and clear, Faith is a topic that is talked about both in the Old Testament & New Testament, But the Holy Spirit took my hands and started to flip through the New Testament. I was blown away how God gave me a word in this case (FAITH) and it started to jump off the pages of the Bible. Here are a few scriptures dealing with Faith so that you can read through them .
A Few Scriptures Dealing with Faith /Also a link to website that has scriptures that discuss Faith.
Hebrews 11:1-40
Romans 1:16-17
Romans 5:1-5
Romans 3:21-26
Romans 10:1-13
James 2:14-26
Galatians 3:1-9
Biblical Definition
Faith is the assurance that God’s promises will never fail, even if sometimes we do not experience their fulfillment in our mortal existence. Hebrews 11 underscores the fact that we trust God to fulfill his promises for the future (the unseen) based on what he has already fulfilled in the past. Thus, our faith is not blind, but based squarely on God’s proven faithfulness. (From The CRI
Wikipedia Definition
Faith is confidence or trust in a person (as in their ability), thing, deity, in the doctrines or teachings of a religion, or view (e.g. having strong political faith) even withoutempirical evidence. It can also be belief that is not based on proof,[1] or as confidence based upon varying degrees of evidential warrant. The word faith is often used as a conceptual synonym for hope,[2] trust,[3] belief[4] or knowledge.[5] (Wikipedia Definition)
After reading through scriptures and only really scratching the surface of what God reveals to us about Faith in the Bible. He gave me a few words that were what we call Divine Downloads from Heaven. Here are a few I would like to share.
*When you see difficult, look at from the perspective of God is shaping and molding me into something beautiful,Step into FAITH with a PASSION that changes the atmosphere, Live your life like a warrior that sees the battle ahead and runs straight for it knowing that your God will get you through it !!! Breakthrough!!!! We are more than conquerors!!!!
Another word I had written in my Journal was a word of worship which on a certain level our worship dictates where our faith is. It said this
*Worship is forgetting about what's wrong with you and remembering what's right with God . It's like hitting the refresh button on your computer. It restores the joy of your salvation,It re calibrates your spirit, It renews your mind. And it enables you to find something good to praise God about even when everything seems to be going wrong.
So in ending I hope that when you read this you will dive into the scriptures given, that your faith will strengthen, That your light will brighten that the chains that have had you bound will be broken and that a fresh cool wind will wash over you , And when it washes over you Pappa will give you a clear word and that it will be the sweetest of words. My soul purpose for sharing this is my passion for Jesus Christ and that others may come closer to Him not through what I've written but through the scriptures and His Word.
Bethel Music has a song off their (Tides Album) called "Be Still" this is exactly what I experienced last night. My Heavenly Father calmed my soul, My soul listened , And my soul was refreshed. Many Blessings to you and may Jesus refresh your soul, And may He give you "Faith That Changes The Atmosphere"!!!
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