Well tonight was yet another amazing Bible Study!!! I spoke on sharing your testimony and how important that is in your walk with Jesus. Towards the end God was asking me to call on one of the guys to pray... I opened it up for one of them to pray, No takers ... I paused I explained another gift from God is prayer , I said just close your eyes and imagine that it's a conversation between you and God, "We Aren't Here" .. I said be bold !!! No more than 2 seconds after I said that,The man jumps up from His seat and begins praying for how thankful he is for the day for the people that were at Bible Study , And specifically prayed for each of us !!! What a joy to witness this !!!
Early they asked me how many angels there are in Heaven , I answered more than you can imagine. I said because of your boldness tonight they and all of heaven are rejoicing!!! There was a fire in his eyes that is really hard to explain He was filled with Joy it was if The Holy Spirit came straight down from Heaven and gave him Boldness in his walk. They come to this Bible Study, and they said tonight they are hungry for more they want more Jesus in their life. I can't really put into words how much I'm thankful for the path that God has put me on, to see a fire in just a few people means so much!!
I think it's important to mention that they are giving me a fire that I've never experienced as well. I won't ever claim to know everything about the Bible they are teaching me just as much. My passion to see these men know Jesus more is indescribable. As we walk together each week studying scripture it's my prayer that they would continue to grow closer to God and be a witness to the community as well .
We gather together in a church without walls looking at God's beautiful creation I really can't think of a better way to have a Bible Study, It's truly a blessing. May the Lord continue to bless those that are attending and may the blessings overflow to those looking on from a distance as well, Lord may our Hunger for you be so attractive that it causes a spark that starts a fire that can't be put out!!!! To God Be The Glory For the Great things he has done ,doing, and going to do !!!
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