Monday, July 28, 2014

Grace Faith & Giving with a joyful heart.

August 11th ... This day has a great significance to me. God calls us to be people that restore .. He absolutely restored my life. 4 years ago a lot happen I took my first trip to Haiti I quit drinking he took away a selfish desire and replaced it with a life full of purpose  he  pushed me into a destiny that has absolutely blown my mind. So back to August 11th on this day I woke up early at the hotel in Jacmel and waived goodbye to a city and a people that hold a special place in my heart. Restore Haiti & the people of the community taught me how to love & show Jesus in the summer of 2012 as I spent the summer there. August 11th wasn't a day of sadness it was a day of rejoicing knowing full well that God would continue to bring me back to family. 

A lot has happen since that day I took a few more trips there.. Then God had me enter a season of work and pressing into him more.. It was 2 years of late nights crying out to God asking where do you want me God where am I supposed to be ... Most nights it was him saying rest easy my son your right where you need to be. In my arms so you might grow for what your about to enter into ... 

Let me fast forward a bit in that season It was exactly August 11th but it was really close. August 14 I received a phone call that was Haiti related I was at work .. Breakthrough took place on that day . 2 days later I had coffee with Kellie Hurt founder of Grace So Amazing Ministries . It was a meeting full of joy, God reassuring me of where I was supposed to be ... Where my heart was "Haiti" 2 months after our meeting I took my first trip with Grace So Amazing ... Met the folks in Mirebalais and my heart rejoiced !!! Before I would leave for this trip Dwayne Jackson showed me how to love in the city that I lived in Nashville Tn , he came up to Nashville and ran a week long basketball camp for some kids from Sophia's Heart & Salvation Army .. My heart that week changed .. I need to be Jesus wherever I go not just Haiti !!! 

Fast forward to December I left Nashville to be in Haiti for 3.5 months .. In all the preparation I'm so glad that I listened to God.. He had my heart ready for most things .. Other things he taught me along the way. 

This summer I've traveled to a few places one of which was Israel ... I really don't have many words but so glad again that I heard him whisper come on an and adventure with me ... What an experience to walk where he walked !!! I get chills just thinking about sitting out on the sea of Galilee. 

I returned back to Nashville not knowing how or where support was going to come from.. If there was one thing I learned tithing & giving is a must .. Giving financially yes .. But giving relationship wise as well ... Are your friends and family going through junk .. Be there for them .. Not with words but with actions ... Sure we all slip I'm guilty of this , but God gives us grace and it's never ending / we should do the same . So back to the tithing & giving I want this to be an encouragement that when you look at that paycheck and you say how am I going to pay all the bills that you change the way you think, take out what is already His and sow it into the kingdom ... Our Heavenly Father deserves so much more but when we honor him with our money our atmosphere is completely changed !!!! 

Philip Peters asked me if I wanted to drive for the Capital Kings this summer .. I wasn't sure when I was going back to Haiti .. I prayed about this big time .. God I'm not sure when I'm going back to Haiti but you do, thank you for blessing me with financial support. 

What an awesome summer with the guys it was truly a blessing driving these guys around and talking music sports and life !! I have one more gig with them , and I really can't thank them enough for the opportunity !! Such a blessing .. 

In that time I received a call to drive for another band which I drove for one other time in the last . Sometimes blessings come in buckets and this summer has been a summer of "Buckets of Blessings" so thanks to Brandon Heath & Harold Rubens for the opportunity to drive !! 

August 11th the day I left Haiti 2 years ago and the day I will return this year .. On August 11th 2014 I'm going back , I'm going back to be love & to be love to the fullest !!! God has completely wrecked my heart for this country and the people there !!! 

So in closing I would encourage you that if your struggling with living a selfish life in all aspects.. Spend sometime with God and ask him to release those chains ... It's a process that will be tough but through the process comes great reward !!! A life with Jesus Christ!!! Be Jesus wherever you go!!! Blessings        

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